Freelancing without dress-up. For talents to better navigate their careers, and companies to better navigate their hiring.
Freelancer Economy
Writing a Job Proposal for a New Position
How do you convince your employer to create a new role for you? Write a persuasive, well-planned job proposal. A new position at your company can be a win-win for you and your employer. You can fashion a role that better suits your skills and professional goals while your company benefits from your contributions and years of experience. Let us walk you through crafting a top-notch pitch.
6 Places to Find Your Freelance Community [Online & IRL]
Every freelancer needs a supportive community. Without access to traditional employment culture, freelancers must intentionally cultivate supportive interpersonal and professional relationships differently.
Is Staff Augmentation Right For Your Business?
Is your company struggling to complete an important project? Then you need to bolster your team with extra workers — and fast! A great way to get this additional help is through staff augmentation.
Looking to Scale Fast: Why a Freelancer Might be a Good Fit for You
The freelancer economy is growing and many companies have already discovered the benefits of working with hybrid teams. We have put together a short guide to streamline the whole process and make this collaboration as smooth as possible.
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